April 29, 2000: Alameda County Community Food Bank (Oakland, CA) 30 volunteers sorted and packed about 4000 pounds of donated food items for pick-up by the 288 agencies served by the food bank. The US Census Bureau estimates that there are about 151,000 individuals in Alameda County who benefit from these services. Big thanks especially to the volunteers from Christian Layman Church and San Francisco State University, and to the staff at the food bank.
April 15, 2000: San Francisco Food Bank 19 volunteers gave up a morning of sleep
on Saturday morning to come to the food bank and prepare donated food for
distribution to individuals and families in San Francisco. In three
hours of checking food quality, sorting, and packing, we got a total of
3158 pounds (166 pounds per person) ready to send out. Great job!
Orientation at the food bank
The assembly line: unpacking, sorting,
cleaning, taping, and repacking